Thursday 13 February 2014

Thriller comparison - Miss Georgious

I think we have made a successful thriller sequence because we used the conventional thriller aspects such as mystery. This is specifically seen by the gas mask on the antagonists face, this hidden identity leaves the audience curious of why she is wearing a mask and what she is going to do. Also the element of surprise is used when the door slams behind the babysitter protagonist, these conventional thriller elements appealed strongly towards our target audience so I believe we have a made a successful thriller sequence.

I think the micro element which shows my creativity most is the little girl antagonist, the contrasting features such as; scary staring and evil laughter manipulates the audience as they wouldn't expect a little girl to be so evil. This is most specifically seen when the babysitter looks out of the window and Alice stares at her with the mask on and doesn't say anything, this is very mysterious and creative as other thriller films have a male killer.

Our thriller film and 'Sinister' have some similar thriller elements. For example the little girl antagonist, in Sinister the little girl turns out to be a killer and kills her family, in our film she turns viciously to the babysitter and the audience are left in suspense. Also, the use of a big house is used in Sinister just like our thriller sequence, this allows the audience to relate if they feel their house is big and allow the film to appeal more to them. The sounds used in our film are mysterious and creepy, for example the slow song with laughter over the top is used during the credits of our film, and in Sinister there is slow music when the homemade clips are showing creating the same mysterious effect.

Audience feedback - Miss Georgiou

Audience feedback is the comments and criticism you receive from making a film. This is very important as it is the comments from your target audience, the success of your film depends on if your film appeals to your target audience. The feedback will determine our success on our film and help us with the improvements we will need to make for it to appeal more to our target audience.

We received our audience feedback through questionnaires, we had 10 varied questions, mostly multiple choice questions about which characters they would like to see featured most, what gender antagonist and protagonist they would want to see in our film. This allowed us to focus specifically on the aspects that our target audience wanted to see in our film so that we could aim it directly to them to achieve our goal of making a successful film.

One positive comment we received was about the gas mask we used, it was said to be mysterious and scary and draw in the audience as the little girls identity is hidden. Another comment we received was about the low key lighting, the lamp post outside the house was "creepy" and conventional to the thriller genre. Finally, we received a positive comment about the chosen characters, the female babysitter was relateable to the audience and the little girl antagonist was different and unexpected.

A negative comment was received was the camera shots, some of them were too still and needed more movement, maybe a zoom in shot instead of a close up. Secondly the last hand-held camera shot was very fast and jerky which was hard to notice what was going on. Finally the editing at points was over-done and reduced the fear factor slightly but this can be easily fixed by Joe our editor.

In our two minute opening scene, we followed the brief by using conventional thriller aspects such as mystery and surprise, we also had eerie looking text for the credits whilst creepy music is played in the background. We also used a conventional female protagonist allowing our target audience to relate and create an emotional link with the characters, also a little girl antagonist manipulates the audience as they would expect a little girl to be nice and cute but contrastingly she is a possessed killer.