Sunday 13 October 2013

Research into Sound - Miss Miller

Sound in films are used to show different emotions for different characters, it also helps the audience relate to characters in the film during certain parts of a film. In this clip from 'Insidious chapter 2' sound is used in many different ways.

A high pitched violin noise is used at the beginning of the clip when Dalton is speaking to his mum about having a bad dream. The use of the violin sound getting louder gives a sense of foreboding, it also creates tension and suspense as the audience doesn't know what could happen next. This shows that sound can be used to give the audience an understanding of what could happen in the film which makes the audience curious which is conventional to thriller films, also tension and suspense are typical elements of the thriller genre. (0-28 seconds)

A loud, echoed, whispering sound effect is used on the grandma and Dalton's voice when he's is bed and she's talking to him. This puts us in Dalton's position as we feel like the voice is inside our head, and knowing the storyline of Insidious 1 and 2 we know that when Dalton is asleep the ghosts come to him and his family which scares the audience even more. This use of fear and horror helps the audience relate to Dalton as we hear exactly what he can and makes us think what we would do in his position. Fear and horror are typical elements used in thriller movies to involve the audience in the film. (34-40 seconds)

A strange harp or violin sound is used when the camera shows the ghost woman in Dalton's room, this sound is different from other films as it is quieter and more strange than jumpy. This is used to confuse the audience and make them think who the woman is, why she is there and how does Dalton know. The feelings of confusion and curiosity intrigue the audience as they want to find out what is going on. Curiosity and confusion are both key elements when talking about thriller films as they are feelings of the audience.

A loud whisper is used when the dad is speaking to somebody in the hall way, the use of a loud whisper makes us think that he is talking to us because we can hear him so loudly and clearly which involves the audience in the film. Also because we can't see who he is talking to, the whispering sound makes the audience scared because they're curious of who or what the dad could be talking to which is mysterious. The use of horror, fear and mystery used in this clip makes the audience think a lot and is conventional to the thriller genre as it frightens the audience. (1.00-1.11)

In my research into sound in thrillers I have noticed that sound is equally important as camera angles and views as they both evoke scary emotions and have the same mysterious effect on the audience.

1 comment:

  1. You have shown a good understanding of different sounds used withing the thriller genre and what they create for the audience; however, you have not identified which sound technique is being used at each point.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Identify the sound techniques used for each point
    2) Elaborate in a bit more detail
    3) Explain in your summary what you take from this research in terms of your own thriller
