Sunday 3 November 2013

Preliminary Task - Miss Georgiou

For our preliminary task we was asked to shoot a short clip within our groups and upload it to youtube to demonstrate that we knew how to use specific shots for our thriller film opening. We also had to edit the clip to make it look smooth with the changing of shots and dialogue.

In our preliminary task, me and Daniel were the actors and Cara filmed the clip. Our group worked well because we were all comfortable with our roles and all knew what we were doing and enjoyed it. This task has helped me to understand when to use certain shots within a clip, such as a shot reverse shot which is used to show the audience the different characters who are speaking. Also the tri-pod which the camera was on helped to do panning shots which will be good to use in my thriller opening. When editing the clips, I found that it was quite simple if you stop filming after every different shot, this is something I can use to help put together our thriller opening.

This task helped me and my group to practise filming different shots and learning how to edit the clips together so they look smooth and professional. Also, it allowed us to see what difficulties we may find when filming, and give us time to see how we can resolve these issues, the preliminary task also allowed our group to discuss different opinions when filming which we will also need to do when filming our thriller opening.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what the purpose of the preliminary task was. You have made a start in considering some of your strengths, but further discussion and explanation of what you did, is essential to demonstrate further understanding.

    You also need to explore the purpose of the main task in further detail, by focusing more on what you will do differently and why? Also aim to include the preliminary task within this post.
