Friday 21 March 2014

Question 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

'The antagonist in our film is Alice; she is a little blonde girl who is seen multiple times in our opening wearing a gas mask. This is contrasting as little girls are meant to be cute and innocent which makes our opening mysterious and surprising which is conventional to thriller films. At the beginning of our opening Alice is singing nicely playing with dolls, this use of a sharp transaction of playing to being possessed will shock the audience and make our opening enjoyable to watch as it has generic conventions of thriller films in it. Our protagonist is a baby sitter whose name is unknown, she is a conventional victim as she is innocent, vulnerable and home alone. This makes her open to any attack or danger, this is again conventional to thriller films as a female victim is very stereotypical as they are seen as less able to defend themselves compared to men. This use of character choice in our film and other films are used to appeal to the audience as they can make an emotional link with the characters because they can see their fear and also see them being in a similar position.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of question 2, demonstrates a minimal understanding of how your thriller represents particular social groups. You have made a start in considering the representation of your characters, but the points that you have included are too basic and need to explored in further detail.
