Friday 21 March 2014

Question 4 - Who would be the target audience for your media product?

.A target audience is important when making a film as they are the people your film is aimed towards and the people who are most likely to enjoy it. The codes and conventions in our thriller film have been specifically produced to aim towards teenagers aged 13-16. This is because of the babysitter character as teens this age may babysit themselves and be able to relate to the characters and enjoy the film more thoroughly than an adult would. Also, teenagers are always looking for a thriller film to see and be scared at night; I believe our thriller ticks that box with the conventional themes throughout the opening to appeal specifically to our target audience. The narrative of a possessed little girl  is mysterious and tension-building, it was also chose most scary in our questionnaires, the mise-en-scene used in our thriller was also chosen by our target audience such as: gas mask, homely house, little girl antagonist, babysitter protagonist to make the film enjoyable to watch for them. The cinematography used creates an eerie atmosphere throughout the whole film with fast paced editing to create enigma to the audience which makes our thriller opening appeal to our target audience well.

1 comment:

  1. Where is your video?

    Your analysis of question 4, demonstrates minimal understanding of how your thriller appeals to your target audience. You have identified your audience, but you have not related your points to detailed examples, to express your understanding. A basic overview of micro elements, does not support the points that you have made.
