Friday 21 March 2014

Question 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

.To address our audience we created a questionnaire to see what elements throughout our film would appeal to them the most and make our thriller opening more enjoyable for them to watch. To create our thriller film, me Joe and Cara had to carry out many different types of research to make our film as successful as possible, we started analysing other thriller films such as ‘ Sinister’ we made blogs on the camera shots, mise-en-scene and soundtracks to inspire us to make a successful opening. The mask/face paint on the antagonist’s face hides his identity creating enigma and tension about who he is and why he is killing these families. Secondly, we had to research film certificates to see what elements and themes to include for a 15 rated film as this was the average age of our target audience, 15 rated films consist of strong violence, brief sexual scenes or references and/or discriminating behaviour. As our opening is only two minutes long it is hard to include any of these elements but our film will still be rated a 15 due to the physiological horror. Also we researched into narrative theory’s, we are using the Aristotle theory because we want to make the audience feel sympathy and empathy, also we want to use an antagonist and protagonist to allow the audience to relate to the characters as we aim our films at teenagers aged 13-16. Also the Aristotle theory will create an emotional relationship with the audience because they are aware of the situations going on in the film whereas the characters do not. All this research helped plan our film especially analysing other films as they have been made successfully so the inspiration we got from ‘Sinister’ and ‘The woman in black’ helped our planning a lot as we knew the conventions taken from them were perfect for our thriller film.

1 comment:

  1. Where is your video interview?

    Your analysis of question 5, demonstrates a minimal understanding of how you targeted your audience. You have included a minimal overview of the research that you carried out, but you failed to explain what you researched, what you found out and how it assisted you with planning your sequence. Also aim to included examples to support the points that you have made.
